Sunday, May 16, 2010

Happy Sunday!

I hope all of you out there are having a good weekend. Hubs and I have gotten tons of chores done. This is the first weekend in a while where we didn't have any obligations. We even managed to get the kids napping at the same time twice!

We have set a giant goal for ourselves to pay off our last credit card within the next year. If we stick to the budget we set up, it should be easy. Unfortunately, we are both notorious impulse buyers and collectors, but I think the carrot at the end of this stick is big enough to keep us in line. It all comes down to getting out of our house. There's nothing wrong with it -- it's just feeling a bit small with 2 kids now, and we're on a main road, which has a whole host of annoyances. I'm dreaming of a house with a decent yard, on a nice quiet side street where I can leave my front door open without getting tons of road dirt blown in and hear the tv without having to strain over the traffic noise. Oh yeah, and enough room so that our office doesn't have to be in our bedroom. Someday...

So, I'm having an underwear dilemma. I noticed mine were getting a little loose -- they are 14/16 from good ol' Lane Bryant. It's the smallest they make, so now what? In my smaller days I used to wear buy my undies at Victoria's Secret, but I don't think I'm quite there yet. I tried buying a pack from Target, but the size I should be according to their chart was too big. I guess I'm going to have to go to Sears or Macy's or somewhere I can try them on. This is one of those good, but annoying NSVs. Good because it means I'm getting smaller, annoying because now I have to find new favorite underwear!


Amy W. said...

Being credit card free is an awesome accomplishment and you are doing it the hard way (I took the "easy way" out and had to declare bankruptcy at 28). Not a proud moment but now I only pay for things with cash. It was crazy weird to get used to, and I dont really save much better...but at least if I dont have it, I can't spend it.

Maria said...

I don't think I'd call bankruptcy the easy way out! That's got its own set of difficulties!

Beth said...

I bet you could fit into Victoria's secret panties, I am just starting to fit into 14 jeans and can comfortably wear a L and they even have Xl's if you are real nervous ... whats the harm in trying out a pair?? Plus its really nice to know your fit into "normal" clothes store sizes