Monday, July 5, 2010

Good morning!

I hope everyone had a good 4th yesterday. We went up to my aunt and uncle's house on the lake. Weather was great, kids behaved. It was a good day.  I was absolutely dying to go swimming, but I didn't think my daughter would want anything to do with the water, so I didn't bother even bringing my bathing suit. Wouldn't you know it... all she wanted was to get wet! Stinker. Luckily, the water right over the sea wall is only up to my knees, so I rolled up my shorts, borrowed a swim diaper and baby life jacket from my cousin, and in we went! She loved it. 

I'll be honest with you guys... the other reason I didn't bring my suit was that my nether regions are so NOT bathing suit ready. I'm going to make some time to clear away the freaking jungle that has grown so I can perhaps consider the bathing suit when we go back to the lake in August. I don't think my bikini line has seen a razor since I got pregnant with #2. Sheesh.

My first week of unfill hasn't been too bad. I've noticed the food volume has gone up a bit, but the quality has gotten better. For example, this is what I ate yesterday:

B- one egg scrambled with a little cheese
L - A handful of raw veggies with dill dip.
D - 1/2 hamburger patty with bun, 5 olives, two bites of pasta salad.
S - Okay, so I had a piece of bumpy cake and a few potato chips throughout the day.

Not so bad though, really.

I was a little disappointed with my weigh in this morning (217), until I realized that I'm still down almost a pound and a half from last Sunday. I had that crazy drop from all my barfing early last week, and now I've bounced back. Plus, my period started this morning. So, a pound and half? I'll take it! I should probably adjust my ticker though. Boo.

Today, Mike and I are both off work for once, which is nice. My dad is coming over to hang a shelf in our bedroom. We had to get rid of our bookshelves when the little guy came along (no more room!), so my brilliant idea was to hang a shelf in our bedroom about 16 inches from the ceiling, out of the way of grabby little toddler hands. My dad said he had the perfect board for it, so this is kind of a late birthday present. I'm looking forward to unpacking all my cookbooks and knitting books again! It'll also clear up some space in the basement so I can continue the ongoing organization problem down there.

You've probably gathered from that last paragraph that I have a small house. It's a cozy 900 square feet. Now consider that when we got married we combined two households (I had previously owned my own house). My mom likes to say that we have "nine pounds of shit in a one pound box." We do. We are both collectors and we're both prone to being pack-rats. Now consider we have three cats and have added two kids to the mix. Yikes! Over the past couple years, we've been working hard to purge and downsize the junk, and I think we've done a pretty good job. We donated TONS of clothes (I had been hanging on to clothes I wore 12 years ago) and TONS of books (that was hard for me -- I love my books). We also have a giant pile of kitchen stuff that needs to go. Now that we're done having kids, I can slowly get rid of baby stuff as we finish with it. I have three or four things that are going on craigslist today, as a matter of fact. My ultimate goal is to have one half of the basement cleared out so we can make it an exercise/game room. We'll probably never actually "finish" it, but I'd at least like to be clean and neat.

Anyway, that's what is on my mind this morning.


VS said...

i am a bit of a book whore hard to let books go. i'm not one of those kindle girls either...i like reading actual physical books....and big ones. one book nut wouldn't be too bad space-wise, but my boys are all the SAME WAY (and of course i love it)! our house is less than 2,000sq.ft. and there are SIX of us and we have learned to be smarter about the amount of toys we can get really out of control when they are little and they REALLY don't play with much at all. good luck keeping your "things" under control. :) y'all will get there in your own time.

Jenny said...

I'm a cookbook whore. I try to get rid of them but then I look them over and think "I'll use this" LOL its a never ending cycle.