Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Still here!

Man, I cannot even remember the last time I blogged! It's been a whirlwind week. 

Anywhoooooze, Week 1 Paleo wrapup first. It went ok. Stress got the best of me later in the week and I resorted to some carby comfort foods. It was a good start though, and I'm still down to 203.8 from 206.4. Things I need to do better: Plan lunches and snacks. Good things? I did not get my mid-afternoon slump, and my energy levels were way up, even from a few days of quality eating. 

Saturday I went to my first official CrossFit workout. I have two words for you: Holy. Shit. My core was so sore from bear crawls that it pretty much hurt to breath for two days. Seriously, I couldn't even sleep flat that night. Other than that, I am totally pumped about it. I'm going to go every Wednesday night, and hopefully some Saturdays too. Whee!

Refocus for the week: tightening up the eating and back to paleo. 

Today's food...
Breakfast: 3pc bacon, coffee with cream
Snack: 2 celery sticks with almond butter
Lunch: leftover chicken and veggie kabob
Snack: handfull of almonds
Dinner: chicken, sweet potato

My band is super tight today... we had a few hot days late last week, and I'm still feeling it. I had actually planned on more food than this, but I just couldn't fit it in.

Hey, if you are on myfitnesspal.com, look me up! My user/name is mdags.


Amanda said...

Good for you for doing Crossfit!Might have to try it!

Kristin said...

That is awesome! I understand the tight and not being able to fit things in!

Great job though on the workout!

MBFL said...

I have wanted to try cross fit but it scares the bejebus out of me.

♥ Drazil ♥ said...

Ha - holy shit. Funny - but in a good way. Good for you. HAve you noticed a difference in how you feel other than weight? Less headaches, less bloating, more energy, etc? I'm always curious about that.

Rhonda said...

Sounds like a good day, eating wise. Sorry you're a little tight, I hope it settles back down. :(

MandaPanda said...

You're doing great! My primal attempts has been a wash so far...you make me think it's possible but I'm finding it difficult to stay on target. Seems to take so much more planning. Great loss this week!

Theresa said...

You go cave girl!!!