Monday, November 7, 2011

The flu. Poo.

I've been such a bad blogger lately. But I'm going to fix that. My excuse for last week was that I had possibly the flu, possibly pneumonia. I'm banking on the latter because the antibiotic they put me on really kicked the shit out of whatever I had.

I had kind of a neat NSV yesterday. I don't even know if you could call it an NSV. There is this long sleeve tee I used to wear all the time at my heaviest. I even remember wearing it to support group right after surgery. Well, I caught a glimpse of myself in it, and holy crap, it was ridick. It was so big... even the arms looked like you could fit two of me in them. So much for that shirt! It was a nice little reminder of how far I've come though.

Can I just say that I hate daylights savings time? It really bums me out that it's dark out now when I get my kids from daycare. And dark when I leave the house. Oh, winter, please go fast!

Tomorrow is my appointment with the nutritionist. I'll let you guys know how that goes. I haven't seen her before, so it'll be interesting to see if she's one of those who really "gets" the lapband or if she's going to tell me to eat a half wheat bagel for breakfast. Yes, I actually did receive that advice from a post-band nutritionist. She truly was a NUT.


Rhonda said...

A bagel? That woman sounds cuh-razy!

I'm in the same boat with the DST, I'm ready to be adjusted. :/

Darlin1 said...

Hope you feel better...Isn't it great to throw out those big old clothes?


Cece said...

Hope you're feeling better ! I abbreviate the nutritionists at work as *NUT* ... but I never really thought they were :)

Lucy said...

I Hope you feel better! I hear you about day light savings time, I can't stand it or winter... ugh... so far yesterday and today it has really kicked both mine and my boys butts

Anonymous said...

I second that- winter hurry up and be over!

Sam said...

That is a NSV, getting rid of clothes that no longer fit is just as good as buying smaller ones :o)

Hope you feel better and that this NUT is better than the other one :o)

MandaPanda said...

Ugh. Glad you're feeling better. I wasn't impressed with my doctor's nutritionist. She took the other "You'll never eat bread, pasta or rice again for the rest of your life" approach. *rolling eyes* I hope this one's better. Good luck!

Kristin said...

I am sorry to hear you have been feeling yucky! I hope that gets better soon!

Good luck with the nutritionist and CONGRATS on that NSV that is awesome!

Beth Ann said...

Glad you are feeling better! I LOVE that NSV! I didn't save any shirts from "before" and I wish I would have.

Andrea said...

Glad you're feeling better! Great NSV! It's so fun to see how far we've come!

Stephanie M. said...

Ugh...the flu sucks. But that's a fab NSV! (Um, should I even admit out loud that I have a scooped out bagel for breakfast every Friday?)

Steph said...

A freakin bagel? Was she mental? Hon, I hope you are feeling much, much better soon. Congrats on the super big shirt. I've kept a few of them...they make comfy sleeping shirts!!! :) HUGS!!