Thursday, February 17, 2011


This elimination diet stuff? Not for the faint of heart. I have to admit I'm stressing out about it a little, which is silly because I know if I can stick to it, I'm going to feel a lot better overall. I am hardcore planning so I can do a good shopping trip this Sunday. DH and I are planning on cooking a few things ahead of time and freezing, or at least doing some prep work. I'm also going to stock up on snack items, just in case. My hunger has been quite controlled lately, so I don't think this will be too big of a deal, but you never know when the munchies are going to hit!

I came up with a few breakfast ideas and lunch ideas, as these will be my biggest change (I am a granola bar -aholic). Breakfast first:

  • Rice cereal with sliced pears and chopped cashews or almonds
  • Smoothie made with almond milk and banana
  • Puffed rice or millet cereal with rice milk
  •  bars made from millet flour, ground nuts, diced dried fruit, and egg replacer
 And lunch:

  •  Lentil soup, celery sticks, rice crackers
  • Beans and quinoa with avocado
  • Cabbage Salad, rice cakes with cashew butter
  • Sesame crackers with hummus, fruit
  •  Mochi with nut butter
What do you think?


Bonnie said...

Definitely not for the faint of heart.

Joey said...

How long does it last? Hope you figure it out soon and are on to better health soon!!

MandaPanda said...

Sounds good? I'm not a fan of cabbage, lentils or beans so it sounds like a nightmare for me. LOL. I applaud your dedication. What is millet flour? Good luck!